Using a peer-voting system, team members select colleagues for 12 award categories including Outstanding Educator of the Year, Newcomer of the Year, Outdoor Environment Champion or the coveted Daisy Ambassador. Parents and families are also invited to vote, choosing their Parents’ Choice from their own nursery.
The 2022 awards ceremony was held at the conclusion of the Daisy Nursery AGM in August. After presenting certificates to the entire staff team, our 17 runners-up and 17 award winners came forward to receive their prizes: huge chocolate gifts for the runners-up and hotel stays for the winners. Special guest speakers Dr Andy Cope and Kym Scott presented the awards for Cheer Champion and Awe and Wonder Superhero respectively.

Outstanding Educator of the Year Aster Daisy: Gemma Dore / Runner Up: Mercedes Harris
Outstanding Educator of the Year Butter Daisy: Sadie-Louise Keeble / Runner Up: Jenny Taylor
Outstanding Educator of the Year Crown Daisy Lodge: Amy King / Runner Up: Charlotte Welch
Outstanding Educator of the Year Crown Daisy House: Annetraya Patterson / Runner Up: Jodie Wise
Outstanding Educator of the Year Sunshine Daisy: Chloe Francis / Runner Up: Laura Cobb
Newcomer of the Year: Leanne King / Runner Up: Angela Quinton

Team Development: Sophie Poulter / Runner Up: Lily Twinn
Awe and Wonder Superhero: Sophie Keynes / Runner Up: Bonnie Lowther
Cheer Champion: Angela Guy / Runner Up: Lucy Schofield
Learner of the Year: Caitlin Knight / Runner Up: Chloe Mayhew
Daisy Ambassador: Danielle Gill / Runner Up: Rosie Stewart
Parents' Choice Aster Daisy: Beckie Cole / Runner Up: Melissa Jewell
Parents' Choice Butter Daisy: Kira Savage / Runner Up: Chloe Swainland
Parents' Choice Crown Daisy Lodge: Jade Stanistreet / Runner Up: Ellie Keynes
Parents' Choice Crown Daisy House: Katherine Wheeler / Runner Up: Freya Huckle
Parents' Choice Sunshine Daisy: Mandy Amey-Hastings / Runner Up: Sam Simmonds

"… an event that is looked forward to and every year the AGM gets bigger and better."
After three learning-rich and fun-packed terms, a busy Summer of Fun and school leaver graduations, the whole company finally come together on a Saturday in August for the Daisy Nursery AGM and training day. A time to reflect on what has been achieved, kickstart another ambitious year, and learn more broadly from sector professionals to develop their practice.
Gathering over 100 colleagues from across four settings is no easy task, but when they meet, the connection between them is palpable, the atmosphere positive, the conversation excited. These people are all working to the same goals, galvanised around a common Daisy Vision and striving for early years excellence.
The AGM 2022 was hosted at Daisy Nursery’s newest setting, Aster Daisy Nursery in Rake, near Petersfield, which is perched on the edge of the stunning South Downs. The high-quality refurbishment of this former country mansion into a spacious, bright and modern nursery with exceptional facilities has been known to draw audible gasps from visitors when they first enter. It was the same for our Daisy teams, many of whom were visiting Aster Daisy for the very first time.
After a tour of the setting and grounds, delegates took part in a morning workshop either exploring Forest School practice in depth with The Forest Approach or, with singing tutor Anne Bradley, learning to sing with confidence when working with children.
Aster Daisy’s gardens were transformed into a mini festival, with a grand marquee as its centrepiece decorated with signature green, white and gold balloons by Balloons by Emma. Delegates could find a woody nook to picnic together, or enter the wellbeing zone for a hand massage from Simone at Hummingbird Healing, to indulge in some mindful colouring – or decorate themselves with jewels, paints or temporary tattoos!
Convening in the marquee in the afternoon, managing director Victoria Peterkin welcomed everyone and, alongside a fun, energetic and very competitive game of Selfie Bingo, shared the successes and learnings of the last year. In spite of many challenges across the sector, Daisy is proud to have opened its new setting, and to continue to thrive. The first visiting speaker, Dr Andy Cope, a self-professed happiness doctor, shared his Art of Brilliance philosophy. Lighting up the space with humour and encouragement, Andy preached the importance being in that 2% of people who exude natural enthusiasm and a can-do attitude to positively transform the atmosphere of a workplace. Guest speaker Kym Scott, an early years consultant, delivered a presentation on the awe and wonder of early years, sharing theory, tools and tips to apply as educators across all age ranges from birth to five.
"Thank you to Vicky and everyone involved in organising the AGM each year. All your hard work and dedication makes me love being a part of the Daisy team."
And then, after sharing sweet treats, a Daisy Nojito and an AGM celebration cake, it was time for Victoria to share her parting thoughts and ambitions for the company in 2023, reminding everyone of the unique and sector-leading Vision that unites them all, and the important role they all play in delivering exceptional care to young children and their families.
The Daisy Awards ceremony celebrated the talents and contributions of every member of staff, with some special recognition categories presented by Victoria, the Head Office team and the guest speakers. Nobody left the day empty-handed. Alongside their certificates, every team member was gifted a goody bag of Daisy-inspired treats and the signature Gerbera flower, their heads full of ideas and inspiration, and hearts full of memories of another year magnificently done.
"I seriously cannot wait for the next one. Can we have 2 AGMs a year please?"

"… it has been an honour and a privilege to watch your children develop and grow into the little people they are today. You’ve entrusted us with the most important people in your lives; thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of their journeys so far."
This extract from a speech given by one of our nursery managers at their end-of-term pre-school graduation ceremony in August, encapsulates a sentiment felt by everyone at Daisy Nursery. Birth to five years sees the most rapid and significant developmental stages in a young child’s life and, as nursery educators, we share a small piece of the joy at seeing a new skill mastered, a new magic moment that is experienced, a new stage that is reached.
Aster Daisy, Butter Daisy, Crown Daisy and Sunshine Daisy each held a special ceremony this August to wave goodbye to the children leaving their nursery for ‘big school’. Parents and siblings were invited to join in the celebrations, which were marked with moments of laughter, moments of reflection and moments of pride.
In the spirit of Daisy Nursery’s child-led approach, our pre-schoolers led the design and planning for their ceremonies. Forming a committee, they had meetings to discuss everything from décor and catering to format and entertainment, and tried on their graduation caps and gowns for size.
On the day, each nursery garden was set up with gazebos, bunting, balloons, artwork displays, graduation photo booths, or shimmering entranceways. When the moment of the event came, there were full houses of families and team members ready to share in this special moment; and, after goodbye speeches from managers and teams, the brave graduates walked one by one to receive their certificate scroll, and join the group to sing farewell songs. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Goodbye to our school leavers; Daisy Nursery wishes you the very best for your next adventure.
"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Walt Disney

At Aster Daisy Nursery, the children created artworks by exploring the colours red, white and blue with paints and rice, and using fine motor skills and different methods and materials to create flags and crown jewels. They role-played at being the Queen’s guards, waved flags and enjoyed a scrummy afternoon tea with homemade royal iced bakes and healthy snacks prepared fresh in the kitchen.
At Butter Daisy Nursery, role play, curiosity and small world play were the order of the day, alongside creating artworks and beautiful bunting. The children enjoyed dressing up and wearing crowns, reading books about the Royal Family, and exploring the personality of the Queen and where they see her portrait in every day life – on stamps and pennies.
As well as creating stunning group artwork and colourful Union Jacks, and enjoying lots of tea parties, Crown Daisy explored the city of London. Using tuff trays filled with items inspired by London, the babies learned about famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace. The older children had water play tuff trays where they transported and colour-mixed, and they created cakes for the Queen with their playdough.
Sunshine Daisy was also awash with the colours red, white and blue as everyone created their Jubilee artwork and Union Jacks. The children explored how to make rubbings, made soldiers’ hats, learned royal-inspired songs like ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ and served their own afternoon teas from their outdoor kitchen.
Their week of learning culminated in a special tree-planting ceremony at each nursery, as Daisy Nursery played its part in the national initiative to plant trees for the Jubilee, and leave a green legacy. At the ceremony, children explored photographs of the Queen over the ages and listened to a very special Daisy poem written to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee. Everyone watched as the tree was placed gently into the ground, then fed with compost and watered by the children. The joining together of Daisy Nursery teams, Head Office and children created a memorable sense of occasion. As the trees grow over the coming months and years, revealing their beautiful seasonal cherry blossom each spring, the children will be reminded of that special day.

The company recognises the value of developing its colleagues as rigorously as the children in its care, which is underpinned by the Daisy Vision: ‘Nurturing Educators and Innovative Leaders create Ambitious and Curious Learners’. With a workforce of over 85, structured professional development is vital to that vision.
As well as a wide-ranging programme of online and in-person training for everyone, there’s the annual highlight of a visit to the Childcare & Education Expo by Daisy’s Nursery Managers, with a small team of colleagues. This year, Daisy’s newest recruit is Maddy, who’ll be Manager at Aster Daisy Nursery in Hampshire when it opens in January 2022. Maddy, along with Dani, a Senior Nursery Nurse at flagship Crown Daisy Nursery, shared their experiences throughout the day.
7.00am The team began their journey from Hampshire to Coventry, and on the way discussed their hopes for the event. Dani hadn’t attended the Expo before and didn’t know what to expect but wanted ‘to learn about more ways to help the children, expand my knowledge, and check that my day-to-day practise is right – for that, I’m going to attend seminars and workshops.’ Maddy was ‘invited to the event as a new employee only a couple of weeks ago. The Expo website is really clear about the event, and I was able to quickly get everything I needed from it. For me, today is about supporting everything that goes on behind the scenes at our nurseries. There are so many different ways to approach how classrooms are dressed and the activities inside. It will be so good to see these ideas come together in one place.’

10.45am Before long, it was time for the first seminar, and both colleagues had chosen Alice Sharp’s Changing Pedagogy, Changing Play from a varied programme of seminars, panels and workshops. A strength of the Expo is that delegates can experience a lot of content for free, with additional seminars and panels only charged on a per-event basis, an approach which suits all budgets.
After the session Maddy reflected that ‘when we study as nursery practitioners we learn about certain key voices, and today we were introduced to the new voices moving things on in pedagogy. I now want to research them, their viewpoints, and the elements of their pedagogy.’ Another colleague was particularly inspired by the provocation to ‘always remember to disrupt how we do things’, and Dani agreed ‘that there are different approaches, for instance, to singing a song like Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes with the children: you can make it interactive, you can change it, turn it into a story, sing it in another way.’ Maddy realised that ‘if your team are excited to do these activities, it will rub off on the children and they’ll be excited to do them too.’

The Daisy team had planned their day to cover as much of the learning content as possible between them. After lunch and some mindfulness activity, some went to browse the marketplace, while others attended the lunchtime panel What Does the Future Look Like for Early Years?, which was also a useful forum for colleagues across the sector to share reflections from their own settings, largely about what challenges lay ahead as a result of the pandemic.
2.45pm Both colleagues had registered for the afternoon’s Ofsted and the EYFS Reforms seminar, with Phil Minns, HMI and Specialist Adviser for Early Years and Primary Education, Ofsted. Maddy hoped ‘to understand Ofsted changes and what we need to be on top of for the new nursery’ and Dani felt ‘the same – I want to make sure we’re working towards the right things.’ Daisy Nursery has previously achieved Outstanding Ofsted ratings across all areas and all settings, and maintaining that record is important to all colleagues.
Afterwards, Maddy explained that the session looked into ‘assessments, how we’re doing it, the best way to look at the curriculum. It was really interesting and insightful again, great to hear ideas which we can share with the team.’ For Dani, the session ‘gave me an insight into what Ofsted are looking at during assessment… Don’t act any differently to any other day. Be yourself.’

And then it was time to head southwards to Hampshire. ‘My brain is super full’, observed Maddy, as the team grouped for photographs outside the arena. ‘I’ve had a positive day and am excited for next year.’ Dani thought that the ‘whole day has been great. Lots to take in, but worth it and I would do it again tomorrow. It’s been a good reminder to remain passionate about what you’re doing, be assured that the children are learning, find ways to enliven activity so they aren’t bored – and be you!’
And how will all this support their work with Daisy Nursery? For Dani, much of it was about enthusiasm and ambition: ‘learning stuff like this keeps you passionate. Hopefully we can share what we learn with our teams, and inspire them as well. At Daisy no idea is a silly idea, and everybody is valued. If you love an idea, generally the children love it too.’ For Maddy, the chance at the Expo ‘to get an injection of new ideas reminds you how important the Early Years are. Thinking about what you do is really important, knowing that you’re getting it right is really important, and doing it the best you can is really important. When you are surrounded by people in the same industry, it highlights your thinking. It’s really special.’

It’s always a special time in the year for the team of 85 nursery nurses, managers and head office. A chance to kickstart a new academic year with renewed enthusiasm and a refreshed knowledge toolkit, and to reconnect with colleagues from across the three Daisy Nursery settings, whilst reflecting upon the achievements of the past twelve months. This one was particularly special given the challenges of the pandemic, which saw everyone working through one of the hardest periods ever known.

Welcoming everyone to Crown Daisy Nursery, the flagship site in Aldershot, managing director Victoria Peterkin re-galvanised the team around Daisy’s vision and values. The Early Years Collective, a team of sector specialists including Cheryl Bedding, Kim Esnard, John Warren, Dr Sue Allingham and Jeni Murphy, then delivered a programme of in-depth workshops including Self-Regulation, Baby Brain: Connections and Continuity, Developing Outstanding Practise, EYFS 2021: Principles into Practise, and Clipping the Wings of our Superheroes.
As the day drew to a close, Victoria announced the expansion of the business. A new site will open in January 2022, with more destined to follow.

The day was topped with the inaugural Daisy Nursery team awards, recognising those who went the extra mile last year, and celebrating every single colleague for their contribution to the growth and reputation of the company, and their dedicated, professional care of the children.
With knowledge-buckets, gift bags and hearts completely full, it was time for colleagues to depart – but not without one final bounce…

After the last year, we felt this would be the perfect occasion to not only celebrate our emergency services and frontline workers, but also to learn about the many different roles and talents within our community. With an overarching theme of ‘Occupations’, as a starting point, we thought, who better to inspire our children than their own parents and their friend’s parents too.

As the Summer of Fun got underway, we enjoyed visits from so many parents at our different nurseries who showcased their skills – from the fire service, police, a crane driver, a bridge builder, computer experts, sound engineers, hairdressers, health visitors, teachers, bus drivers, sports instructions, beauty therapists as well as some yoga and mindfulness sessions …. The list of talented parents with fabulous occupations is far too long to name!.

We now look forward to our next year at Daisy Nursery and a new term, welcoming autumn and excited about the children exploring freely and evolving ideas each and every day.

During lockdown and the most rigorous of COVID-19 restrictions, we have been unable to attend or host face to face training sessions and have had to rely solely on the virtual courses. Whilst these are great in many ways, first aid is definitely one that needs to be conducted in person. Since restrictions have eased, the Daisy team have taken part in first aid training courses to ensure we made up for lost time, placing huge value in these lifesaving skills.

We are very fortunate to have been able to host two paediatric first aid courses at Crown Daisy, taking advantage of the space in the house. In addition to the many existing first aid trained colleagues, we are proud to say that another 20 of us have now either renewed our qualifications or gained our first.
Clare and Byron from our Head Office team also had the opportunity to achieve the qualification in Emergency First Aid at Work. The course was held externally and with this qualification they can be available to support our colleagues at company-wide events such as our AGM, team meetings and other work-based gatherings.

Over the last twelve months the impact of COVID-19 has been large in all possible areas, particularly on the mental strain of our team, so one of the key parts of investment last term was the introduction of an Employee Assistance scheme to support the wellbeing and mental health of our colleagues and their families too. Although we are still in the early stages of using this new service, it is confidence building for me as a leader just to know the support is there.


We still have some work to do during the rest of our Term 3 (summer term), and we have already started planning for the academic year to come - so watch this space! We don’t rest on our laurels at Daisy, we don’t do things the same each year because it has always been done that way before; we like to think outside the van the Amazon box arrived in, and hopefully this way of team working will continue to ensure we are striving for excellence on behalf of our children and their families.

In September 2021, the new EYFS will become statutory. The Department for Education (DfE) have been working closely with Ofsted to lighten the workload of early years teachers and practitioners. This has come about from the call to reduce the collection of data and assessments that has been proven not to impact the outcomes for children. The DfE’s drive has been to make the Early Learning Goals more specific in order that teachers can make accurate judgments more easily. Hence why the new document is more concise.
Following the consultation, the DfE said that it would make a number of changes to the reformed education programmes these include:
• Personal Social Emotional Development will include additional information on self-care and healthy eating
• Physical Development will be strengthened to include a greater focus on development from birth to Reception and focus on the links between gross and fine motor skills
• Literacy will include a stronger emphasis on pre-Reception literacy learning, and the link between language comprehension and later reading and writing
• Mathematics will include a greater detail on the importance of shapes, spatial reasoning and measure as part of early maths learning, and how children can foster a love of maths
• Understanding the World will include wider experiences for children
• Expressive Arts and Design will include a wider variety of ways children can develop their creative skills and Technology has been removed.
A need to include oral health alongside the requirement to “promote the good health of children” will be added to the EYFS framework.
These reforms are designed to improve outcomes at 5 years olds for all children.
Alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage sits Development Matters – this is a non-statutory document and what we at Daisy Nursery use to track your child’s development. Historically this has been regarded worldwide as a quality supporting document and many countries have used this to benchmark their own Early Years Curriculum.
Going forwards the new version of the EYFS is condensed to enable the staff to use professional judgments. Dr Julian Grenier: who is responsible for working with the DfE and Ofsted to create this document very much advocates that teachers and practitioners should have the confidence to use their own professional judgment, as they are the key person and working closely with the family and know the children best.
This has divided the industry and some of the key influencers have created another supporting document alongside the ‘Development Matters’. This is called ‘Birth to Five Matters’ As a company we have attended lots of briefings and training sessions to ensure we are fully informed. Our teams have also been consulted as they are the ones working with your children. It was strongly felt that after the events of the pandemic keeping the consistent approach using Development Matters is the best way forward. As parents the approach will remain familiar and ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ will still be assessed. I truly feel that the paired down version will enable the children and staff to take time embedding the important first life skills preparing them fully for their further educational journey.